
Showing posts from 2018

playing hide and seek

black bird

funny start of the week

Sunday morning

changing glasses

Honey, I'm home!

taking the colorful road home

talking to the birds

daddy's bowtie

a touch of spring

International Women's Day (2)

International Women's Day

the hero

a new small canvas

just a sketch

the mermaid

taking a walk

three ladies

thinking about fame


Ernie koopt een trui, fashioninspiratie voor koude dagen

seeing things more clearly now...

happy flowers

a night at the museum

animal in heaven


the new city

blue lady

carnaval en ik

feel connected

the world is our canvas...

de hond van Hippie

de peinzende koningin, een klein verhaal

dear diary...

mirror time

honoring the chaos

weekend: let's have some quiet time

color of the year?

New year, new ways!