working in books...

I sold another painting today on Etsy. Since that doesn't happen very often I'm very happy about that. Soon this one will be shipped to the USA. It made me thinking: 'I have to make more paintings...'
Actually I have more than enough art in stock to last a couple of months even if I make sales every day. But still it startled me, that thought of 'having to' make more.
At this moment I hardly do any real paintings. I work in books, make books and make prints from pages in my books. I write in them, draw and paint and make collages here. I love to do this so much that my bookshelves are getting full, overloaded in fact. What I love so much about the working in the books is that it is very easy to flip through the pages and to keep on working on the drawings or paintings all the time, adding a little here, and adding a little there a few pages later. In that way stories seems to emerge step by step, line by line.
I start new books and go back to books I made twenty years ago. Reading old memories, seeing old drawings and adding new ones is a bit like life itself. I guess that that is why I love this way of working so much.
