doodling and meditation

Everyday I start with a notebook and a pen. I intend to write, but sometimes all I do is doodling around.Doodling seems to be like the finger exercises every pianist must do again and again, to keep the fingers in shape, to train the brain-hand coordination. For me doodling is also like a warming up of the hand and it seems to enhance the souplesse of the drawing and painting. 

But besides the training of my hand, doodling has other effects. The longer I doodle and play around the more silent it becomes in my mind. All the 'I shoulds' slowly disapear. My head becomes clear and calm. I know what to do that day, what is really important to me. In that way it is a bit like meditation or what I would like meditation to do: to give clairity, rest and room in my always thinking head. To give focus on what matters most.

Considering all that, doodling is as essential to me as is eating and sleeping.

So here is to doodling!
